Transform & ThriveTransform & Thrive

Prepare For A Promising 2024! - Part 2

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Host Helen Lee reflects on the energies of the new year, 2024, and the opportunities it brings for personal growth and transformation. She emphasises the importance of letting go of old stories and drama, aligning with one's true self, and trusting deeply.

Helen also discusses the concept of the New Earth realm and how individuals can contribute to its creation by raising their vibrations and operating from a higher level of consciousness. She explores the Ascension process and the challenges and rewards it entails, encouraging listeners to take care of themselves, embrace their divinity, and manifest their desires with ease and grace.

Essentially, for those on the Accelerated Ascension path, 2024's energies or mega high frequencies flooding the planet will be more intense than ever for our human selves and the only way to really thrive is to be Soul-led or better yet, merged with Soul.


  • 2024 is a year of deep alignment with life, divinity, and existence, allowing for a greater sense of peace and trust.
  • It is a year of letting go of old stories and drama, starting with a clean slate and embracing love and abundance.
  • The dismantling of the old and the rise of the ego is a necessary part of the ascension process for humanity and the world.
  • The Ascension process involves releasing, integrating, embodying, transmuting, and transforming to become Ascended Masters in upgraded physical bodies.
  • It is important to align with our own divinity and take care of ourselves at all levels while embracing the rigorous Ascension process.


"2024 allows us to totally let go of the need to control life." 

"The dismantling of the Old and its accompanying rise of the ego is a necessary part of the ascension process for humanity and our world." 

"No one is manipulating us whatsoever. Our souls volunteer to be on an Accelerated Ascension path." 

"We can be very centered and balanced, sharing so much love and joy, emanating peace and true abundance." 

"We can consciously and vigilantly choose to rise to this level of being, but it calls for us to go through the rigorous Ascension process." 


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Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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